Former Career

former career
Finished my Dr.-Ing. exam at the RWTH Aachen University. Theses available online.
Worked at the RWTH Aachen at the division of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Epple Chair of Process Control Engineering. Topics included dynamic approaches for process control systems, communication modells within the domain of automation and various mainly industrie funded projects.
Worked at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, division of Dr. Achim Streit Distributed Systems and Grid Computing for the two EU fundend projects NextGrid and Chemomentum.
Worked for the BiBiServ, Bioinformatics Institute of Bielefeld University and the Institute for Bioinformatics of GSF Neuherberg for the HOBIT Project till September 2005.
Finished studying with diploma thesis about a async. WebService framework for the BiBiServ
Worked three month at the European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge UK (EBI) developing a WebService exporting molecular interactions from the IntAct database in the PSI-MI-Format
2000 – 2004
Worked four years as an undergraduate assistant for the BiBiServ – The Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Server.
2001 / 2002
Reorganised the course technical informatics (operating systems) in cooperation with the responsible professor
Teaching assistant for course technical informatics (operating systems)
1998 – 2003
Started studying «Naturwissenschaftliche Informatik» (a combination of natural science and informatics) at the University of Bielefeld
1997 / 1998
Alternative civilian service
Finished my general qualification for university entrance (Allgemeine Hochschulreife)